COVID social media sites is a Mastodon instance that’s part of the fediverse. We’re hosted on servers in France, operated from Canada, and used by people around the world. We are not a commercial website; we have no financial interest in your data or activity. This is a volunteer-run, voluntary service. We’re here for dissemination of science, experiences, information, and ideas; conversation and discussions; questions and answers – a safe, good faith, and censorship-free space for any and all COVID-related topics. Misinfo, disinfo, and other unlawful, harmful, and/or bad faith content is not permitted.

Reddit ZeroCovidCommunity

The Reddit ZeroCovidCommunity is a place where people who actually care about others, and who care about reducing the transmission of COVID-19 and protecting vulnerable people, can gather to discuss the pandemic and politics, share info, and support each other.

Twttier COVID Precaution Community

This is a space for precautionary approaches to COVID. Mass infection advocates not welcome.

COVID MEETUPS A free service to find individuals, families and local businesses/services who take COVID precautions in your area

THE WORLD HEALTH NETWORK Our global coalition devoted to protecting health and minimizing harm to individuals and society formed as a people’s task force in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: covid